Axial Fan DirectAxial
Fan Pulley
Ø 12" - 75"Ø
12" - 75"
Axial Marine Fan
Ø 12" - 48"
Axial Dryer
Ø 16" - 75"
Portable Ventilator
Ø 8" - 18"
Centrifugal Direct
Power 1- 250HP
Centrifugal Blade Sirroco
Double Inlet
Ring Blower
Pressure 500-2.800mmH2O
Roof Fan Ø 16" - 48"
700 - 200.000 cmh
pressure 1.000 - 6.500 pa
According to a recent study, more
than 27 percent of the energy consumed in commercial
buildings is used for heating and air-conditioning.
Of that, a large portion (anywhere from 25 to 60 percent)
is consumed by the fans and pumps that transfer heated
(or cooled) air or water from central heating and cooling
plants to conditioned spaces.
and exhaust fans are the major parts because most fans
operate continuously while the building is occupied.
There is a wide variation in efficiency between different
fan designs (from as low as 40 to as high as 80 percent).
well as the efficiency of the fan itself, the low cost
and wide availability of variable-frequency drives in
all horsepower ranges make this technology an important
part of most energy-efficiency upgrade strategies.
of their long operating hours and wide-ranging efficiencies,
HVAC fans are often good candidates for energy-efficiency
How to Make the Best Choice
1. Pick a size that's just right.
2. Calculate the airflow, pressure
drop and safety factor
3. Estimate the time spent in full-
and part-load operation